16 Easy Keep in Touch Strategies to Use with Prospects, Clients, and Colleagues

Keep in touch strategies for prospects, clients, and colleaguesBusiness is built on relationships.  You need to nurture, care, and add value to people’s lives.  You also want people to think of you when they have a problem that you can help them solve via the services you offer in your business.

Questions all business owners have are:

  • How do I stay “top of mind”?
  • How do I stay in touch with prospects and potential customers who are not yet ready to buy?
  • What can I do to nurture my past and current clients so they have a great experience (in addition to delivering quality service)?

The broad answer is – show people you truly care and stay in touch.  We’re all busy, so staying in touch needs to become a habit. Ways you can strengthen that habit is to strategically set time in your weekly schedule designated to nurturing relationships.  You don’t need big expanses of time, just a short bit of time, an intention, and a keep in touch strategy.

Here are 16 keep in touch strategies I personally use and know are successful.  Switch them up, choose the ones that feel most authentic to you, and get creative with new ones of your own!  Most importantly be yourself, and be genuine.

  1. Send birthday cards – everyone has a birthday, send them a special hello!
  2. Connect with people on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Support them, engage with them.
  3. Send a handwritten note – nothing is as rare and appreciated as a handwritten, in the mail note!
  4. Pick up the phone and call them.  Not big scripts needed …. Just “I was thinking of you and thought I’d reach out!”
  5. Share an article you’ve read online or in a magazine with them via snail mail or email
  6. Send them an article you’ve written that will help them with a challenge you know they have.
  7. Drop them an email to just say hello.
  8. Invite someone to a networking event and introduce them to others.
  9. Invite them out for coffee/lunch/drink/walk.
  10. Send them a free gift.
  11. Let them know about a place near them where you are speaking or presenting.
  12. Send them a congratulations card based on a personal or business announcement they have made or milestone event.
  13. Share a testimonial with them of a client you helped with a similar challenge. Let them know you’d love to help them do the same and that you hope it helps inspire them!
  14. Send a holiday card (think beyond the “big holidays”… there’s a “National something day” happening all the time, you have change of seasons, etc.)
  15. Send them one of your newsletters with a helpful article in it.
  16. If a prospect came from a referral source, keep the referral source in the loop.

Those are some of my favorites.  What are some of yours?  Let me know in the comments below…

Now get out there and nurture some people you care about!

photo credit: land_camera_land_camera via photopin cc

Need help with business strategies so you can be more effective and productive at creating what you yearn for most in your business?  Let’s explore possibilities of how I can help you do that. Click here to schedule a complimentary discovery session.

1 thought on “16 Easy Keep in Touch Strategies to Use with Prospects, Clients, and Colleagues”

  1. I feel like businesses establishing relationships is based on the same principle that people establish friendships. There has to be trust, communication, time spent, etc. With businesses, taking the time to show their customers that they care, they will better retain those customers and even get new ones. Thanks for sharing!

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