Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of women’s basketball and each March time stands still as my partner and I try and watch as many games as possible. Last year I got to see my first Final Four in person and waxed poetic about that in my blog.
So, this year I watched the championship game with an eye for success tips. I always have an eye out for the real life lessons that surround us every day. And in all honesty, I saw the opportunity to make good on Day 2 of 31 Days to a Better Blog at ProBlogger and decided it was a great way to write a list post as well.
So, here’s a list of critical success factors you need to keep in mind for your own life and business.
1. Avoid overwhelm by breaking it down.
More than one team in the tourney took the successful approach of breaking down the task at hand. On the court it translated to focusing on playing and winning only the next four minutes. No need to think about having to play for forty minutes…get focused on the next four (and then the next four) and the forty will take care of itself. Excellent advice for ANY large undertaking.
2. Lead by example.
The privilege of leadership is earned. You need to lead by example and then others will follow. This is another way of saying you need to BE the change you wish to see in the world. You need to BE the champion you desire to be. You need to show up how you wish to BE in the world and create your own success.
3. Find honesty you can trust.
One of the UConn players said one of the reasons Geno Auriemma is such a great coach is because he delivers honesty you can trust. He will tell you what you need to hear as your coach. If you wish to succeed you need to find that someone who can deliver honesty you can trust. For me I have several people that fit that bill: my coach, my spiritual teachers, several friends, and my partner. Find those people who can tell it like it is without judgment, without attachment, and without allowing their own perceptions and expectations get in the way. It’ll get you out of your story, keep you from playing small, and propel you to success.
4. Find a way to create what you desire
Winners find a way to make it happen. I’d agree with that with one caveat. To be truly successful you need to find a way to partner the energy of “make it happen” with “allowing it to happen”. No one can do it all and the best things are possible only by partnering with a greater power.
5. Give it all you got.
Give your dreams and your life all you have. Use yourself up. Leave it all on the floor as they say in basketball. This is about going for it. Living life without regrets and making sure you play full out. Life is not a dress rehearsal.
6. Enlist the support of your team.
Back to the notion that no one is successful without the support of others. Create your own success team personally and professionally. Enlist their support and inspiration. Learn how to ask for the help you need and give and receive in equal measures. The whole truly is greater than the sum of its parts.
7. Things happen in divine timing, not yours.
You may think something should manifest and come to you right now, but sometimes the timing isn’t right. UConn waited since 2004 to stand atop the podium again. Excellent players like Oklahoma’s Paris sisters never got that chance but it doesn’t diminish their accomplishments and talent. Tap into the law of acceptance and know that all you can do is your best and that the ultimate timing of the outcome is out of your hands.
8. Perfection is impossible.
Perfectionists beware — perfection is impossible. Each day do your best to get as close as you can, but know that excellence and perfection is in the journey not the destination. Nothing and no one is perfect. Give yourself permission to be human as you pursue mastery in your life.
What do you think? How have you applied these secrets in your life? Would love to hear your comments…
Photo Credit: stock.xchng