From Scattered to Focused – Using Mindfulness in Your Business (No Apologies Video)

Ever feel like a character in a vigorously shaken snow globe? Here’s how to go from scattered to focused.

When you feel overwhelmed and scattered by all there is to know and do as a business owner, you are not effective. You either stay stuck feeling like everything is swirling around you or you stay frantically busy, often with unimportant tasks.

The way out of this madness is to allow the dust to settle. Counterintuitively the solution is to slow down, create space, and allow clarity to emerge. This does not mean you need to slow down the growth of your progress however. Paradoxically when you are more mindful you are able to respond more consciously to opportunities, make wiser decisions faster, and grow more quickly.

Check out this video for a visual example of just how this works.

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