Hi there — the live call is over. Recording will be going out to all who registered within 24 hours.
Still have questions? Let’s explore working together so you no longer have to go it alone…Click here to connect.
In honor of all the holidays happening in the next month…and the biggest baddest holiday of all – My Birthday…
I am running a Free Holiday Open House call where you can ask me anything!
It’s my gift to you, and my way of giving back.
End 2014 powerfully and start 2015 with a kick start in your own authentic way.
When is this open house?
Tuesday, December 9th at 11am EASTERN.
How long will the open house last?
Up to an hour.
Can’t make it live? The call will be recorded, so if you can’t make it live… contact me beforehand with your question and I will answer it live.
Ask me anything about growing your business, your website, online marketing, or the inevitable work/time-off juggling.
Sign up and the dial-in information will be sent to you right away…remember an hour like this is a $300 value, but I’m offering it at no cost, just because I want to celebrate and give back.
What are you waiting for? Leverage your year-end and get your questions answered!
I look forward to spending time with you!