Elizabeth Gilbert on Creativity and Fear

When I saw this video of Elizabeth Gilbert, I just had to share it here. Her thoughts on showing up for your life, moving through fear, embracing your creativity, and releasing expectation and judgment of yourself is so utterly moving and inspiring. It is a must-see video…grab a cup of tea and treat yourself to 18 minutes of this.

Source of Video: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

And thanks to Karyn Greenstreet’s blog post which is where I got tipped off to watch this.

1 thought on “Elizabeth Gilbert on Creativity and Fear”

  1. Paula, thanks so much for sharing this video. I've shared it with my book club, who read Eat, Pray, Love a little while ago.

    Elizabeth is inspiring, and her message that even when talking about creativity, it's important to remember that "it's not all about you," resonates.
    .-= Wren´s last blog ..Brisbane from the Brisbane River: Skywatch =-.

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